Sunday, July 16, 2006

here's to the nights we felt alive

I realized that no matter what you do, there will always be a first time for everything. What matters is when and who you're with during those memorable doozies. And as luck would have it, there was only one person I was with during all those firsts.

5 years ago, I was invited to a sleepover. Because I was just in gradeschool that time, my parents were worried about me. They had to call her to make sure that these three weren't invited to come over: boys, alcohol and narcotics. As if. Now here's a consolation for them: alcohol and narcotic aren't in the vocabulary of 7th graders (I'm only speaking for myself). Just yet.

2 years and a couple of sleepovers later came another "big" one. We were getting tired of the same old slumber parties so she decided to give it a twist. And since it was her birthday, she rented a room in Makati and invited a couple of friends to spend the night there as well. We spent the night inebriated with the company of drinks, laughter and memories.

Fast forward to a few months ago during her farewell party. It was a clean, all-girls slumber party. Now that's a first. We looked back from the early days of our friendship to all that was in between. That was our last sleepover.

Last night, in my friends' party, I tried looking for this girl in 3-inch stilletos, short, frilly skirt, and an eye-cathcing top that held a camera on her right hand and her Gucci bag on the other. I was baffled and I couldn't help but be sad because only at that time did it dawn on me that she's really gone.

I miss you. Thanks for everything and I mean EVERY THING. There'll be more 'firsts' to come and I don't want you to miss any so I'll wait for you before I do anything new.:)