Sunday, September 10, 2006

7 days, 7 deadly sins

Here's the perfect way to narrate the week that was.

Inferno never seemed this close before.

Wrath (Anger)- Okay, this is kinda long. But read on. Matamaan sana dapat tamaan.

She didn't ask for attention, or sympathy, just like others may be doing right now. As a matter of fact, she didn't need to hear what others have to say about her, what she does, or in this case, what she writes. She can say what she wants to say, when she wants to say it, and whom she wants to say it to in her blog. But when people start getting affected with all the emotions and agitations that are going through her head, now that's another story. If there's anyone who's rightful enough to be frustrated, not to mention exasperated, by all that's been happening lately, I believe that should be her. I don't think "dense" is the right word to describe the emotion of someone who's been hurt by those who are unaware (or pretending to be) of what's theirs and what's not. And any feedback, comment, or bitchfit that will be held at her expense will evaporate in no less than a second. Fortunately for her, she dosen't care about being hated, being liked or being bashed;for as long as she knows she's right and she didn't step on anyone. I'm sure the rest of the world is in her side. They, for one, saw what really happened, and who should be called vile.

go check the dictionary for the meaning of booty call. it might be of great help the next time you try to prove a point.

Avarice (Greed)-
"I will be an Accountant, save up, go back to the Philippines, and shop til I die"-Justo, 2006
"I will marry a wealthy man, and shop til I die"-Fernandez, 2006

Sloth (Laziness)-Backbreaking and strenuous 90 days of my expiring l.i.f.e. will be spent in Taft again. And my forsaken wrath will begin tomorrow. I will do anything it takes to stop them from pulling me out from what served as my heaven for 2 weeks, my bed. To make my point clear, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!

Lust (Undesired love)- I can't wait to watch Channing Tatum's upcoming movie; Step up.Who can resist to see him do his moves and how talented he is in dancing! Okay enough with that. Who am I kidding anyway? Everyone knows it will be an hour (I hope for two) of staring and drooling over his uberly sizzling bod.

Envy (Jealousy)-Jenna Dewan, Channing Tatum is mine! Enough said.

Pride (Vanity)- I don't think Jenna Dewan is perfect, at least not physically, for her role as Channing's partner. I mean there are far better girls they can pair up with him! There's Jessica Alba for one. Well, not really. No one's perfect for him! No one, I say, No one! note to self: bitter much.

Gluttony (Overindulgence)-I started my day right by going to mass first thing in the morning but at lunchtime, it seemed like all my holiness floated away. Maybe because I didn't have enough space in my body. Call me a gourmand if you wish, but I swear, you can't blame me because Spiral makes food from heaven. Another buffet lunch tomorrow won't hurt. not a bit.

Paradiso isn't that far either :)