Monday, August 07, 2006


no, wait, make that BURN.

So you wanna know why people sting from the back? Before you acuse me of hastingly generalizing and committing a fallacy, let me make it clear that actually, this is an isolated case. Sometimes, the situation calls for that plan B instead of slapping one right on his face because of mere pity for that someone. Why pity? Let's just say her face is already distorted and unpleasant and the least one can do is bite elsewhere. See? that's a very kind and considerate thing to do, isn't it? So just a little tip for you, the next time you device a revenge plan on anyone else, it's your shitface they've already stepped at and you're just embarrassing yourself because no one's behind your back. At least aside from those who have bitten you.

Ever heard of rabies-inversion? It's when the one you've bitten is so disgusting that you throw up and regret you ever tried to sting on that ugly piece of crap. And of course, given the processing capacity of your brain, which is obviously the reason why you're often the laughing stock of many, not to mention other insufficiencies which you think don't exist while the rest of the world think otherwise, you won't get a single thing I'm talking about.

I pity you.

On the title: try stepping out of someone else's shadow. Don't you have you own life to live?