Sunday, October 15, 2006

the entire week has been hectic.

deadlines to meet, secrets to keep, long walks with my feet. phew!

I unexpectedly watched a movie with maramylove in makati. do yourself a favor and never think about watching My first wedding primarily for two reasons:

1) who, under his right state of mind, would make a movie about a perv pretending to be a priest to get laid? i love rachel leigh cook.but not until i saw this one.

2) suuupperrrr dragging story.

what comes after a fugly movie? foodtrip! headed to aveneto, met up with miggy and ate like a pig. to my disappointment, tickets for the Departed were sold out so we ended up watching the Barnyard instead. It's nice to unwind and to take a trip back to childhood every once in a while :)

had dinner in aveneto again. hahaha. went to rockwell, starbucks maga and finally, home..

I will try to start writing entries with sense as soon as my brain starts to recuperate from last week.