Wednesday, December 13, 2006

mind boggling.

So technically, I'll be in my "2nd year" college when classes resume on January.

At least that's what I'd like myself to believe.

And yet, two terms and 42 units later, I still haven't made up my mind on what course I REALLY want to take. Sure this whole instant-pot-of-gold on Accountancy's side is getting 60% of me but it all turns into a mere mirage once I think of the remaining 40% that's still not convinced. A portion of that 40% makes me want to be a writer, but my sometimes narrow-minded mom brainwashes me and says writers don't get a good pay. Another part of me wants to be a doctor everytime I watch Grey's Anatomy. Pathetic, I know. Then there's my ill forgotten dream of getting in the Adverstising Industry. Success won't come until after the long run but living each day of your life squeezing out creative juices to make promising results isn't a bad consolation. Getting my life all sorted out will definitely be the first one on my New Year's resolution list.